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Isogum Paeizan Has a standard certificate (number 8678890988) for
  • Flexible bituminous sheets for temperate areas, type H, two layers
  • Flexible waterproofing sheets and reinforced bitumen sheets waterproofing surfaces with the special feature of two layers for the tropics

Standard Export Foil Cover:

Paeizan foil water proofing (BPP) includes two firm layers that have aggregated with bitumen membranes. Carrier layers include tissue and polyester with different qualifications.
The water proofing is usable in different levels. Foil layer type is durable in the light.

Standard Export Powdery:

Powdery water proofing of Paeizan include tissue layer and polyester layer that saturated with bitumen has been covered with mineral powder from outside and has been covered with nylon. This product is useful for the kitchen, bath, foundation, and etc.